From Overwhelm to Forever Peace

Empowering women in tech to balance personal and work life so they can gain inner peace, joy and fulfilment

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Showing women in tech that success, joy, and personal fulfilment don’t have to cost them their well-being, or their career.

Stop accepting this as normal: you feel disenchanted with life, burnout, irritable and fed up. Physically you may be noticing an increase in anxiety, sleep issues, stomach complaints or panic attacks. Perhaps you haven’t even made the connection between the mental and physical yet. Life feels overwhelming.

Simply put, you have lost your mojo. Despite your success, you are feeling the pressure and you aren’t enjoying life as you should be. You are seeking the ever-elusive balance, waiting for days off to take action and instead, time to yourself just slips by.

You’ve read the self-help books, tried goal setting, and building new habits, but you haven’t stuck to them. In continually stopping and starting, you are telling yourself you are incapable of change or progress. This cycle feeds the negative energy, giving it more power each time, until you end up burnt out, with no motivation left.

Life should not be this complicated!

That’s where I come in.

Hi I am Priya, and I am super excited to introduce you to my

Forever Peace Program ™

My mission is guide women like you to step into their power through my Forever Peace Program ™. My 12-week program is designed to be a freeing process by releasing those internal barriers and open to embracing life, aligned with your deepest values. In doing so, you will become the highest form of yourself, transforming into a woman that is in control of her present and her future. I equip you with life-changing tools to transform you day-to-day to create the life you can’t stop thinking about.

  • You’ll learn how to prioritise yourself without guilt, bringing healing and joy back into your life.

  • Instead of experiencing anxiety or imposter syndrome in the workplace, you’ll be confident in your knowledge, working in your zone of genius.

  • Your daily life will become calmer, as you remain connected and aligned to those activities that nurture your peace and well-being.

  • Instead of life just happening to you, my programme puts you back in the driving seat and on the fast track to complete, fulfilled abundance.

Here's how it works!

Forever Peace 3-Month Program

Even when life is moving at rapid speed, The Forever Peace Program ™ awaits you!

A 12-week inspiring journey to eliminate what’s been hijacking your time and your mind, preventing you from living the life you want, so YOU can find balance in your personal and work life, so you can gain inner peace, joy, and fulfilment.

Priya’s unique Forever Peace™ infuses the power of Rapid Transformational TherapyⓇ with energy healing for your soul.

Step 1 RealisationDiscover what is truly going on, finding the root cause of the problem, learn about the patterns that are running your life.
Step 2 ReframingWelcome the past in safe place, free the trauma completely, reframe it, experience true healing and lasting change taking place.
Step 3 TransformingTake back your power! Focus on desires unleash your authentic confident self, to fully realise joy, fulfilment, and inner peace.

The Forever Peace Program includes:

  • 1 x Pre-session relaxation audio

  • 3 x Deep dive evaluation calls (40 minutes)

  • 3 x RTT Hypnotherapy sessions, root cause realisation, reframe and transform (1 per month 1.5 - 2 hours)

  • 3 x Bespoke to you transformational audios, reprogramming of subconscious mind (1 per session)

  • 1 x Final evaluation call and celebration of the Forever Peace Program (40 minutes)

  • Priya as a mentor, providing 12 weeks of email support available 24/7

Only 12 weeks to get you from overwhelm to Forever Peace!

Program effectiveness is based on the commitment of your precious time and energy. If this program resonates with you and you are ready to change and be the best version of you, it would be my privilege to embark on this positive transformative journey with you.

Click HERE to book a free 20 minute call


Testimonial for back pain relief

Click HERE to book a free 20 minute call